lundi 18 juin 2012

Frequenly Asked Questions in Clairvoyance

There are many questions that arise around the clairvoyance and its practice. Here are answers to frequently asked questions about the subject.

What is clairvoyance?

Clairvoyance is the ability to obtain information without using the 5 senses. This information relates to the future but also to the past.

What is a psychic ?

A psychic is a being with a sensitivity greater than normal. This sensitivity is a gift that offers the power to see the past and the future in order to help others. This gift is usually transmitted by a family member.

Is there differet kinds of psychics?

Yes. Even if all have the same resulst, there are two kinds of psychics. Pure mediums use only their extrasensory abilities to make predictions, while others use the tarot, the numerology, the runes, or the pendulum.

What is the difference between psychic and clairvoyance?

Clairvoyance is the ability to access information about the future or the past and without using the five senses. Clairvoyance is the extra-sensory perception of objects or persons without the aid of the senses but it often requires the presence of visual or touch to say about the object or person who owns the thing.

How to recognize a true psychic?

A true psychic does not ask too many questions but the birth date or the first name, which are useful for his work.

What is the role of psychic reading ?

Everything that is performed in the moment draws us to different situations depending on our choices. Clairvoyance here takes a leading role in advising us with  the events that will come to align our life path.

If, for example, you do not know what decision to take in response to a specific situation, consult a psychic takes all its importance. A psychic is able to see in advance the results generated by your current choices, in a near and distant future. This allows you to anticipate and make the decision that you consider the best.

So do not underestimate the value of clairvoyance. Knowing what your actions or your choices will lead to, you can make appropriate decisions. Clairvoyance is finally the loyal friend who gives you advice on how best to proceed.

How to develop a gift ?

Just as each of us has muscles or bones, every human being has within himself the capacity of clairvoyance. The difference lies in what we do with that opportunity. There are psychics who have not needed to develop their gifts, but most of them really worked their potential to optimize it. To work this potential, it is essential to have an ethical life, a spiritual life, and have a lifestyle that encourages the emergence of the gifts of clairvoyance. You have to believe, but especially work your extra-sensory perceptions potential to be competent.

How do spirits communicate ?

Spirits communicate by exchanging thoughts by telepathy. When we are incarnated in a physical body, means of communication we have, such as speech or gestures are imperfect, they do not allow to express all our thoughts. When we return to the state of mind, our physical body is no longer an obstacle. Telepathy becomes the only way we can interact.

Psychics, using their extrasensory abilities, are able to communicate with spirits.

Automatic writing

Automatic writing is an ancient practice that is spreading increasingly. A great mystery hangs around this art of receiving messages by transcommunication. There are any conflicting theories on the subject. Some believe that the writings are from the person himself, other believe that messages come from the subconscious. Others see in automatic writing an exchange of written telepathy, through the arm that serves as a receptor.

Automatic writing is used to communicate with the beyond. It is used generally to communicate with the dead. Automatic writing often brings great joy to people who are able to communicate with passed love ones. Many people who have used the services of a writing psychic say it is easier to grieve after having been able to communicate one last time with your loved one. Mediums also use it to contact people outside who transfer predictions and messages for other people. Automatic writing, therefore, allows psychics to receive messages from the beyond and to do the intermediary between our world and the spiritual world.